Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Welcome to EASY PIANO LEARNING....where learning is fun because its easy.
First, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU for subscribing for this musical report. It is my prayer that it helps you as I really intended it in my heart.

Okay, a little about me – I grew up loving music, especially the piano. I never knew I would be so engrossed in it later in life. But here I am, happy that my life has been transformed by this same music. I learnt what I am about to teach you the hard way. YOU ARE LUCKY TO GET THIS ON A PLATTER...ENSURE TO USE IT!!!.

EASY PIANO LEARNING is the vehicle impressed upon me to be a avenue whereby I can help new musicians and would-be musicians. No one man knows it all, thats why I have decided to share the knowledge I have with you, even as I gain more.
This tutorial is actually all about you who has subscribed for this course. All you need for a smooth learning is just 2 things – a listening ear and a desire to learn. Everything you will receive from our course will have the purpose of training your ear, stimulating your mind and working your fingers to make music.

We are starting from the beginner's level, from where we move up to the advanced level. So I urge you to follow as accurate as you can. Soon, you will be jamming like a pro on the piano....JUST STAY WITH US

We are looking forward to being servants first and instructors second. As always you can contact us any time via regarding the course or any music concerns.

For simplicity, I will now start to refer to ''the keyboard'' as ''the piano''.

Now, you might ask yourself this: ''with so much white and black keys everywhere, where do I begin???
Just looking at your piano can be overwhelming! You may wonder, ''How am I going to learn all these notes?''
Simple! You have come to the right place.
I am going to teach you how to ''shrink'' your piano and became familiar with all the keys.
All I want you to do is follow me as I go... Soon, you will be jamming like a pro on the piano.

Ok! Let's learn....

The keyboard is made up of white keys with repeating patterns of black keys in groups of two and three.

We use the first seven letters of the alphabet to make music; A,B,C,D,E,F, and G. After G, we start over again with A.

From these groups of two and three black keys, we can name all the 12 keys.
Look at the group of two black keys. C will always be to the left of the two black keys. E will always be to the right of the two black keys. And D is right in the middle of the two black keys.
Now look at the group of three black keys. F will always be to the left of the three black keys. B will always be to the right of the three black keys.
Each key on the keyboard has a particular tone or pitch, and a certain place on the music staff.
The image below will show you all the keys. (Do get familiar with them)

We can raise and lower pitches by putting a sign in front of the note, or by putting sharps or flats in the key signature which appears at the beginning of each music staff.

A sharp (#), raises a note by one-half step (the very next key to the right). The raised note may be a black key, or it may be a white key, but the sharp will be to the right of the original pitch.
A flat (b), lowers a note by one-half step (the very next key to the left). It may be a black or a white key.
A natural () restores the note to its original pitch without the sharp or flat.

1 comment:

  1. I am happy to find your distinguished way of writing the post. Now you make it easy for me to understand and implement the concept. Thank you for the post. learn piano singapore
